Steve Maxwell

Steve Maxwell

Steve Maxwell lives on Manitoulin Island, Ontario and has worked remotely as technical editor of Canadian Home Workshop since 1990. He uses his experience as a cabinetmaker, carpenter and stonemason to prepare projects for the magazine, to write stories of his own, and to test and review products and tools in his workshop. Steve has a readership of about 2 million people across Canada and the US, and takes photos and creates videos to accompany his work.

When Steve’s not working with words, wood and stone, he likes to spend time gardening, cutting firewood, and showing his five kids how to make things.

Recent Articles and Blog Posts

Sidewinders vs. worm drive circular saws

There are two kinds of handheld circular saws, and the difference boils down to the way power from the motor is delivered to the blade. So-called sidewinder saws have the motor either on the left- or right-hand side of the blade,...

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Routing with a flip

Pattern routing (also called template routing) is a powerful method for duplicating wooden parts quickly and precisely on any router table. But before the appearance of a new design of router bit, there's been one annoying problem...

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Finishing nailer reviewed

I like most things about power finishing nailers, except the holes they leave behind. And the ragged, rectangular marks created by typical finishing nailers always look second-rate, even when filled. That's why I took notice when...

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Surface clamp review

With a traditional European bench in my shop, you'd figure I wouldn't need any more ways to hold wood while planing and sawing. After all, I already have a face vise to hold boards on edge and an end vise that holds them flat on...

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Choose the right foundation for your deck

Your personal temperament, risk tolerance and expectations are almost as important as the technical issues when choosing the best deck foundation. You have a choice between either dealing with seasonal movement in order to save...

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Basics of spray finishing

Spray guns are the fastest way to put a great finish on wood. That's why they're used all the time by professionals. Trouble is, home workshoppers have traditionally been shut out of spray finishing because big air compressors...

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How to make your old deck look new again

Putting a finish on your deck isn't a destination, it's a journey. By that, I mean you might get to stop and rest for a while, but the job of preventing your deck from slowly decaying into old barnboard never really ends. The...

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Building the fifty-year deck

It's easy to spend $10,000 or more on lumber for a deck, and depending on how you fasten that deck together, it could last anywhere from 15 years to 50. Which do you choose? Giving your deck the best chance at a long life hinges...

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A natural wood treatment that’s easy on nature

Letting your next outdoor project weather naturally-turning to a silver-grey sounds so casual and green, almost Zen. The problem: natural weathering often looks ugly, especially when there's a little black mould here and some...

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How do you heat your home?

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